
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Its a rainy I'm roasting tomatoes?

Good morning!
I had planned to wake up at 7:20 to go for a run this morning, and wake up I did. It just so happened that my wake-up time coincided with the beginning of some workers hacksawing something on our back porch. It was quite a surprise to wake up to the sound of a electric saw. Very Freddy vs Jason-esque. I could be completely off base with that comparison because I do not watch scary all. Never have, don't plan to in the future. I don't really think I'm missing out either.

To get off track, something else I really don't like are roller coasters. I blame this on my Dad (sorry Dad). When my brother and I were kids he never forced us to get on roller coasters--just like my parents never made me get my ears pierced, never made my brother stick with baseball... . Anyways,  eventually the time came that I was old enough to actually understand my fear as a reason to not do something and could think of terrible outcomes to my getting on a roller coaster, thus, I did not get on said roller coaster.

And then came my Senior Trip to Hershey Park. My boyfriend at the time was an adventurous time and I had convinced myself that I would try to get on a roller coaster. I settled on using a smooth, fast, pretty popular one as my starting point. To my dismay, the ride I chose to begin my day was closed for repairs that morning. So logically, my boyfriend and group of friends decided that it would be alright to bypass my extreme fear of heights, and drops, and all things that are a roller coaster and go straight for the big sha-bam: Storm Runner.

 For those of you who don't know Storm Runner, let me introduce you. For those of the faint-of-stomach, I would avoid the video.

Basically it was the most terrifying 57 seconds of my life. I was crying and shaking as the ride attendant buckled me in...I guess he's seen that a lot because he didn't really say anything. I'm pretty sure I peed my pants when it shot us off. I'm exaggerating, but if I had drank a lot of water that morning it definitely would've happened. When the ride came back into the loading area, the people waiting were clapping for me. Mind you, it was about 8 in the morning because our school likes to be early and my graduating class was the only group in the park. So they were the ones clapping for I climbed out of the car shaking and crying.

It was great.
And then my boyfriend made me do it again...we're not together anymore.

So anyways, back to real-time, I woke up and went for a run this morning. It was alright...short and sweet. Then I rode my bike to Central Market and pulled in this haul
Kale, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, avocado, blueberries, strawberries, zucchini, greens.

 The hardest part was riding my bike back. My backpack was LOADED down, and I think I have a slow leak in my back wheel so it felt like it was dragging a bit.

I found a recipe on the Hungry Nation podcast last night for a Kale, Quinoa, and Oven Roasted Cherry Tomatoes salad. I forgot to get cherry tomatoes so now I'm just roasting up some of those heirloom ones I got.

That's all for now.

P.S. was not aware roller coaster was two words. Thanks spell check.

1 comment:

  1. where are all the recipes? roller coasters scare me too ;) but I would love to read more of the recipes you use!
